Stressed Out!Thinglink

Trying to figure out a new technological item is many things..

1. Its hard
2. Its new
3. You have no idea what you're doing
4. And do I really have the patience to watch the whole tutorial video on how to do it?!
5. Aren't books enough?!
My experience with ThingLink was a few of the points above, but overall it seemed to be easy! I enjoyed learning how to work ThinkLink. And this is a tool I would definitely use within the classroom. For reasons such as: 
  • Kids right now do everything online
  • They are always using a tablet, some form of technology
  • It is easy and understandable.
The best thing I noticed about ThingLink, is that it is so engaging. You have a still image in front of you, but then as you move your mouse around, you are taken to different websites, videos, pictures. Those points pose questions as well. So your mind is working as you are involved in engaged learning. It is a tool to use with all ages of children. There is constantly a next step, posing questions, giving them room to move at their own pace, as well as think on their own! 

I really like the tool ThingLink, and would use this in my classroom! For the reasons of that it is in no way busy work. It isn't a paper for the kids to just use while, the teacher does grading. ThingLink helps them explore the specific websites provided as well as watch videos. So there are multiple forms of learners addressed with ThingLink. 

For my project, I chose to address the third grade level. That being what grade I am hoping to teach one day. And I picked the topic of Health, which then lead to me to do a Standard 1 lesson. Which involved exploring personal responsibilities and stress. I focused a lot on what makes a person stressed and what that child could do personally to figure out their stress level, and what helps them to cool down. As stress goes with their personal responsibilities. This lesson would be good at the age level of 3rd grade, but not only that it was a good lesson for me to review and to self reflect of my stress levels! 


                                    Stressed Out! Thinglink


Healthy Self
Standard 1
The students will learn ways to improve mental health and manage stress.
Objective 1
Demonstrate responsibility for self and actions.
Identify personal responsibilities.
Predict the consequences of neglecting responsibilities; e. g., increased stress, poor grades, punishment, no sense of accomplishment, impact on other people.
Report the outcomes of completing responsibilities; e. g., sense of accomplishment, feeling good, contribution to cause, less stress.
Determine how good decision making can help complete responsibilities.


Standard 5
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)


Knowledge Constructor
I critically select. evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and build my knowledge.


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