What I eat helps me

Pinterest seems to be helpful in all forms of life. I don't even know what brought it about or when it came around. But I know I use it all the time, and I know a lot of people use it all the time. I know for a fact I would use Pinterest as a tool when coming up with lesson plans. For any lesson plan you can find a creative way to change up your lesson plan. Adding a fun element, learning a different way to teach your lesson as well. 

I don't know how you would have kids use Pinterest in a lesson plan, but I know as a teacher you can create something so easy and would help you guide a lesson. I can see you letting your kids make a Pinterest as well. Because it is soooo easy to use. And that's why I like to use it. But somethings that aren't helpful with Pinterest is that you'll see a pin you want to use, and look further into, but the link won't work. So that is a con, but then one thing that I do like, is when you do see a pin you like, it takes you to that website or blog, which can lead you to further things that can help you. But also can be distracting cause it leads you to more things. 

I like Pinterest, I use it weekly because I work with kids. So I am constantly looking for new things and fun experiments to do with them. So I like the concept, how easy, and how helpful it is. 
But I don't see how I would make my kids have a lesson plan by using their own Pinterest. 

Image result for health education for kids

Nutrition and Fitness

Standard 6
The students will understand how a healthy diet and exercise can increase the likelihood of physical and mental wellness.

Objective 1
Compare personal eating habits with a balanced diet. *NU
Record daily food intake.
Determine a balanced diet based on the Food Guide Pyramid.

Objective 2
Identify nutrient groups and the key functions of each. *NU
Identify nutrient groups; i. e. , proteins, fats, water, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.
Name foods rich in key nutrients.
Define the functions of basic nutrient groups.

Standard 8
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)

Global Collaborator
I strive to broaden my perspective understand others and work effectively in teams using digital tools
Empowered Learner
I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.


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